Please read your assignments carefully and utilize your classtime to complete.

If you complete your assignments, you may work on tutorials


Week of August 30
: Students will be able to relate basic components of a Web page (e.g., color, space, written content, typography, images, links, multimedia) to aesthetic, functional and /or usable design principles.
Students will be able to define aesthetic design, and explain how aesthetics can affect a visitors perception of a Web site's information.

1. Introduction to coding a website (What is Aesthetics in web design?)
2. Install Glitch
3. Student walk-thru coding a site
4. Planning using CARP and coding your own site
5. Color and Graphics (Copyright) What is the meaning of color? Create Color

Week of Aug 23
1. Review the Problem Solving Process
2. Sign up for Web Essentials
3. Introduction to Web
4. Hands on Activity ( and Google CS
5. Keyboarding (

Week of Aug 16
1. What is the Problem Solving Process?
2. Problem Solving Process Worksheet
3. Keyboarding (

Week of August 9
1. Complete Welcome Packet
2. Sign up for
3. Sign up for (complete lessons 1-5)

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